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Book of the Week – Grief: Finding the Candle of Light
This week our book of the week is Grief: Finding the Candle of Light by Jody Neufeld. You can get a copy authorized by co-author Jody Neufeld for $7.00 when ordering directly from us using this link. We will post more information about this book during the week including segments of a video of Jody…
Shipping Date for 1-893729-50-8
The shipping date for Grief: Finding the Candle of Light was originally estimated at September 21, 2007. Due to a combination of printing delay and shipping time, that date has been set back to September 26, 2007. In accordance with our standard policy, the prepublication price will be extended until the first copy actually ships….
SBL/AAR After Action Report #SBLAAR15
From November 21 to 24, 2015, I exhibited Energion Publications books in booth 2110 at the Society of Biblical Literature/American Academy of Religion (SBL from here on) annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a very interesting experience for a small publisher to display in this large venue. For the benefit of other small publishers…