Ultimate Allegiance Available for Kindle
Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer by Robert D. Cornwall is now available for the Amazon.com Kindle
Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer by Robert D. Cornwall is now available for the Amazon.com Kindle
Our Buy 2 Get 1 Free Sale has been extended through Father’s Day, Sunday, June 14, 2015! Teachers are making plans for their Fall curriculum in Sunday School and small groups! And they are taking advantage of our sale on our series books! Remember: if you are considering a church-wide study on — say, tithing or stewardship or…
From Preserving Democracy, by Elgin Hushbeck: Now in the abstract, there is nothing wrong with this. Equality is a good thing and in a perfect world, we should and would have equality. But once again we do not live in a perfect world and in the real world equality comes at a cost, and the…
Back to school time brings a lot of emotions. Tears as moms and dads send their new kindergartener off to a full day of school for the first time. Kids excited to sling their new backpack over the shoulder covered by a new shirt. And the never-told Happy Dance by parents who may even take…
In a post on our Facebook page at the end of July I mentioned that Energion Publications is eight years old this month. I would have to describe our survival and growth as a company as both providential and surprising. There have been many upheavals in the publishing world, but while we have had some…
What happens after the celebration, but before any fulfillment? Can that feeling be kept alive? Hope in Our Identity It is our identity in Christ that gives us the privilege of being confident in God’s faithfulness and fidelity to keep His promises. Because that is true, maintenance of our peculiar identity in Him is inseparably…