Similar Posts Lectionary Page Fixed
Following a change of the feeds for two of the selected blogs to Feedburner, the lectionary page has been displaying a number of extra posts that were not lectionary related. This is now fixed, and all posts should be related to the upcoming lectionary passages as of the date of publication. The lectionary page…
To the Printer: From Words of Woe to Unbelievable News
Bob Cornwall’s new book in the Topical Line Drives series, From Words of Woe to Unbelievable News, has gone to the printer. It will still be available at the pre-order price of $3.49 each (regular $4.99) through Monday, Feb. 9, 2015, so get your orders in now for shipment next week. Shipping on orders of…

Are Our Books Safe?
The other day when I was giving away books a young man approached our table. He looked at the displayed books with a bit of discomfort and then said, “My pastor says that we have to be very careful what we read.” He looked up at me and waited expectantly. At these community events I…
New Energion Publications Book Category: Politics
January 14, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida Energion Publications Announces New Book Category Energion Publications to add a new line of books exploring political issues to its already existing Christian publications, and has signed author Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. to write the first offering in this division. The political category will differ from our existing…
Christmas Package: Daily Study Package #2
Our Daily Study Package #2 is for who would like to examine the reliability of scripture and of God’s guidance to the church. It includes: Who’s Afraid of the Old Testament God?A fresh look at problems people have in understanding the Old Testament. Holy Smoke! Unholy Fire!How can the church learn to follow the guidance…
Recap: Read, Write & Publish!
A warm, clear Florida night was a perfect backdrop for Read, Write & Publish! at Northstar Church in Panama City, FL. The editors and published authors from Energion offered their experience and encouragement to potential authors who came to learn and offer their manuscripts. Lee Baker, Kimberly Gordon, Daniel Martin and Heath Taws read excerpts…