Energion Author Allan Bevere Interviews Stanley Hauerwas
The book they are discussing is The Character of Virtue: Letters to a Godson. You can find more of Allan’s books on his Energion author page.
The book they are discussing is The Character of Virtue: Letters to a Godson. You can find more of Allan’s books on his Energion author page.
Early in the fall Energion Publications released a new book, Philosophy for Believers, designed to introduce Christian believers to the kinds of questions philosophers raise and the logic and ideas involved in answering those questions. This book provides an introduction to the philosophy of religion that can be used by a variety of groups in…
Most of us have read stories of how God places a call into someone’s heart and their life is forever changed. Did you applaud their answer to God’s call and maybe even gave a hardy “Amen!”? It is time to give a hand of applause and support to Energion author, Chris Surber and his family,…
First time author, Donna Marie Ennis, brings contemplation to the forefront of an active, strong prayer life in her book, The Ground of God: Contemplative Prayer for the Contemporary Spirit. How many of us struggle to pull down the frantic pace of our lives and bend our priorities from this world under the better priorities…