Universalism, Pluralism, Inclusivism, and Exclusivism
Our Tuesday night hangout tonight will feature a discussion between Dr. Bruce Epperly and Dr. Allan Bevere about the atonement. What is it that the atonement accomplished? What are we saved from and what is the result? Can everyone be saved? Will everyone be saved? Is Jesus the only path to salvation, and do you need to actually understand and accept salvation in order to be saved?
These questions and others will be discussed during our first half hour tonight, with possibly a little overrun! Once that discussion is complete, we’ll be discussing some news at Energion, including our Lent and Easter hangouts, books on pre-order and forthcoming, and opportunities for social media involvement.
So join us at 7:00 pm central tonight (Tuesday, March 1, 2016) and join the discussion. The Q&A app will be active and links supporting the discussion will be available through the showcase.
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