Cancer: Doing Something in the Battle
From the Publishers: There isn’t anyone reading this whose life has not been touched by the insideous, non-discriminating disease called cancer. Our own 12-year-old son fought rhabdomyosarcoma and died at age 17. Among the many emotions is a sense of helplessness to do something so that another family does not have to enter the war. Here is an opportunity to do something which can make a difference.
Dr. David Alan Black, an Energion Publications author, Professor of New Testament and Greek at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Virginia farmer, and marathon runner, is also a widower. His wife of 37 years, Becky Lynn Black (also an EP author), fought well and long against endometrial cancer until her death in November 2014. Now Dave wants to strike a blow on cancer and maybe, make an impact that will be felt in hundreds, even thousands of families by raising money for focused research to destroy this disease.
The University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center specializes in endometrial cancer research. This is the team of specialists whom Becky Lynn joined to make her stand against endometrial cancer. It is Dr. Victoria L. Bae-Jump, associate professor of gynecologic oncology (women’s cancer) who will receive this money to specifically further her studies of this aggressive form of cancer.
While endometrial cancer may not be what has touched your family, like us, you may understand that information obtained for destroying one form of cancer, will also strike down others. Here is an opportunity to send support to a specific person who is doing specific work which may impact the lives of thousands of families.
For more information on the Becky Lynn Black Memorial Fund, follow this link to make your donation directly into Becky Lynn’s Fund at the UNC. Let us join together and deliver a mortal blow to cancer, so that cancer dies in our lifetime!