Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers Is Now Available on iTunes
Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers is now available on iTunes.
Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers is now available on iTunes.
Energion Publications is excited that our own editor, Jody Neufeld, took off her day-to-day office hat and spent some time sharing her encouragement and knowledge in her new book, Grief: Coping with Holidays. As a former hospice nurse and educator, Jody brings observations and suggestions from many families as well as her own holiday experiences after…
There is a new Participatory Study in town and its name is The Spirit’s Fruit by Dr. David Moffett-Moore. This study, beginning with the topic, is made for small groups, whether they are youth or senior saints. Jesus told us, His disciples, that we were to “go and bear fruit.” Paul tells us, the Church,…
Author David Croteau, Tithing After the Cross. shares his view recently on Today’s Christian Woman, How Much Should I Tithe? Dr Croteau is joined with Ruth Soukup and Dave Ramsey. And on January 17 @ 8a.m., Dr Croteau will be on the Moody Radio’s Up for Debate program, Are Christians Obligated to Tithe?, with Dr Ken Hemphill and Julie Roys. Just…
This week and Monday, Bob LaRochelle invites us to consider the joys and challenges confronting two people of different faiths who are married or contemplating marriage. He raises some pertinent questions and then asks us to weigh in. This isn’t theory on his part. Bob’s own marriage is his jumping off point, and he shares…
Energion Publications is excited that our own editor, Jody Neufeld, took off her day-to-day office hat and spent some time sharing her encouragement and knowledge in her new book, Grief: Coping with Holidays. As a former hospice nurse and educator, Jody brings observations and suggestions from many families as well as her own holiday experiences after…
There is a new Participatory Study in town and its name is The Spirit’s Fruit by Dr. David Moffett-Moore. This study, beginning with the topic, is made for small groups, whether they are youth or senior saints. Jesus told us, His disciples, that we were to “go and bear fruit.” Paul tells us, the Church,…
Author David Croteau, Tithing After the Cross. shares his view recently on Today’s Christian Woman, How Much Should I Tithe? Dr Croteau is joined with Ruth Soukup and Dave Ramsey. And on January 17 @ 8a.m., Dr Croteau will be on the Moody Radio’s Up for Debate program, Are Christians Obligated to Tithe?, with Dr Ken Hemphill and Julie Roys. Just…
This week and Monday, Bob LaRochelle invites us to consider the joys and challenges confronting two people of different faiths who are married or contemplating marriage. He raises some pertinent questions and then asks us to weigh in. This isn’t theory on his part. Bob’s own marriage is his jumping off point, and he shares…
Energion Publications is excited that our own editor, Jody Neufeld, took off her day-to-day office hat and spent some time sharing her encouragement and knowledge in her new book, Grief: Coping with Holidays. As a former hospice nurse and educator, Jody brings observations and suggestions from many families as well as her own holiday experiences after…
There is a new Participatory Study in town and its name is The Spirit’s Fruit by Dr. David Moffett-Moore. This study, beginning with the topic, is made for small groups, whether they are youth or senior saints. Jesus told us, His disciples, that we were to “go and bear fruit.” Paul tells us, the Church,…