Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers Is Now Available on iTunes
Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers is now available on iTunes.
Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers is now available on iTunes.
We have more great posts to look forward to this week: Today, Allan Bevere calls our attention to the role the interpreter plays in interpreting a text. Tuesday, Bob LaRochelle asks us to consider serious study of denominations different from our own in order to broaden our own perspective and appreciate the differences. Wednesday, Drew…
Energion co-owner Jody Neufeld asks the question “What am I doing to make a difference?” The questions, in my title & in Marlatt’s 1926 verse, have been a part of my prayers & contemplation for the last month or more. I was very worried and stressed about the condition of our government leaders. I watched the 2024 Summer Olympics…
The following is cross-posted from my Energion Publications partner and wife Jody Neufeld’s blog. People who don’t know us imagine that Energion is my company and Jody is a sort of admin. In fact, there would be no Energion without her. She is the nuts and bolts planner, but also the person who keeps the…
My friends, I beg you to listen as I teach. I will give instruction and explain the mystery of what happened long ago. These are things we learned from our ancestors, and we will tell them to the next generation. We won’t keep secret the glorious deeds and the mighty miracles of the Lord. –…
I’m getting back to the Book of the Week plan, and this week’s book is When People Speak for God. Since I’m the author, I’m going to make a special offer. We’ll have this for direct sale for $15.00, which is $3.00 off the regular cover price, but I will also offer to autograph any…