Doing Visitation
Chris Surber is an Energion author, pastor, and missionary.
Chris Surber is an Energion author, pastor, and missionary.
Dave Black has some suggetions, first: How can we provoke one another to love and good deeds in the service of others (Heb. 10:24)? One approach would be to become more proactive in the way we recognize those who are exercising their gifts in the Body. This is something Becky is doing at our church…
The complexities of existence can best be illuminated imaginatively. Factual prose that appeals to logic does not reach the limits of the mind’s conceptual range. To communicate a sense of being secure in a confusing world so as to energize and guide the way one lives a language that appeals to the imagination is indispensable….
Publisher Henry Neufeld spent his Saturday at Reimagine Montclair in Pensacola, FL giving some of Energion Publication books to thirsty spirits. 89 books were chosen by those who also came for food, clothing, health screening services, community opportunities, as well as games for children and even lunch from the grill! We also gave a beautiful NIV…
On Tuesday, May 27, 2014 at 7 p.m. (CDT) four Energion Publication authors will meet for a one-hour panel discussion in a Google Hangout. Military veterans Elgin Hushbeck (U.S. Air Force), Dr. Harvey Brown, Jr. (U.S. Army), Greg May (U.S. Air Force) and Pastor Chris Surber (U.S. Marine Corps) will meet in a panel discussion on…
During Lent we’re offering a series of topics during our Tuesday night hangouts that are designed to help us think more about the season (including Easter, which is where it leads). We began with Lent: Season of Sorrow, in which I talked with author William Powell Tuck, who has written quite a bit about the…
… and he’s already thinking about a new essay: I’m currently writing an essay on missions and finances, particularly the issue of the funding of church planting. I’ve been scouring the Pauline epistles to see what the greatest church planter who ever lived had to say. (Thus far my essay is tentatively titled “The Thessalonian…
Dave Black has some suggetions, first: How can we provoke one another to love and good deeds in the service of others (Heb. 10:24)? One approach would be to become more proactive in the way we recognize those who are exercising their gifts in the Body. This is something Becky is doing at our church…
The complexities of existence can best be illuminated imaginatively. Factual prose that appeals to logic does not reach the limits of the mind’s conceptual range. To communicate a sense of being secure in a confusing world so as to energize and guide the way one lives a language that appeals to the imagination is indispensable….
Publisher Henry Neufeld spent his Saturday at Reimagine Montclair in Pensacola, FL giving some of Energion Publication books to thirsty spirits. 89 books were chosen by those who also came for food, clothing, health screening services, community opportunities, as well as games for children and even lunch from the grill! We also gave a beautiful NIV…
On Tuesday, May 27, 2014 at 7 p.m. (CDT) four Energion Publication authors will meet for a one-hour panel discussion in a Google Hangout. Military veterans Elgin Hushbeck (U.S. Air Force), Dr. Harvey Brown, Jr. (U.S. Army), Greg May (U.S. Air Force) and Pastor Chris Surber (U.S. Marine Corps) will meet in a panel discussion on…
During Lent we’re offering a series of topics during our Tuesday night hangouts that are designed to help us think more about the season (including Easter, which is where it leads). We began with Lent: Season of Sorrow, in which I talked with author William Powell Tuck, who has written quite a bit about the…
… and he’s already thinking about a new essay: I’m currently writing an essay on missions and finances, particularly the issue of the funding of church planting. I’ve been scouring the Pauline epistles to see what the greatest church planter who ever lived had to say. (Thus far my essay is tentatively titled “The Thessalonian…
Dave Black has some suggetions, first: How can we provoke one another to love and good deeds in the service of others (Heb. 10:24)? One approach would be to become more proactive in the way we recognize those who are exercising their gifts in the Body. This is something Becky is doing at our church…
The complexities of existence can best be illuminated imaginatively. Factual prose that appeals to logic does not reach the limits of the mind’s conceptual range. To communicate a sense of being secure in a confusing world so as to energize and guide the way one lives a language that appeals to the imagination is indispensable….