“In the Original Text It Says” in Aer.io eBook
The book “In the Original Text It Says” is now available in our Aer.io store as an ebook. You can find links to purchase it and also to find the Kindle edition on the same page.
The book “In the Original Text It Says” is now available in our Aer.io store as an ebook. You can find links to purchase it and also to find the Kindle edition on the same page.
One of our major drives right now at Energion Publications is to release as many of our books as possible for various e-readers. One important family is, of course, the Kindle. Amazon.com has just announced some new members of this family, thus, The All New Kindle Family. We currently have 25 titles available for Kindle,…
It is a busy summer here at Energion Publications! Drs. Bruce Epperly and Robert LaRochelle have new books now on pre-order. Both books are interesting for small group studies as well as personal study. Galatians: A Participatory Study Guide is the second study guide for Energion Publications by Dr. Bruce Epperly. A study on Philippians…
Back to school time brings a lot of emotions. Tears as moms and dads send their new kindergartener off to a full day of school for the first time. Kids excited to sling their new backpack over the shoulder covered by a new shirt. And the never-told Happy Dance by parents who may even take…
From Inspiration to Understanding is Dr. Edward W. H. Vick’s comprehensive and extremely valuable volume discussing the inspiration and authority of the Bible and how the way we understand that impacts the way we interpret and apply scripture. It’s 370 page print edition is $24.99 suggested retail (you can get it with free shipping from…
Eschatology: A Participatory Study Guide is now available for Kindle. It will be available soon for Nook, and also via the iBookstore. This study guide is an in depth look at Christian eschatology, including theology, terminology, and key issues. It is not an outline of end-times events. Rather, it provides the background needed to understand…