Jody’s Christmas List #3
Poetic Diversities by Tabitha Edwards-Walton. Retail: $9.99. On Sale: $6.99. (available in ebook also)
Noise Flash by Lee Baker. Retail: $13.99. On Sale: $9.00.
I like poetry. I like modern poetry, not something Chaucer wrote! I was never any good at writing poetry when I was in school, but I could write about what a poem said to me, or didn’t say if that was more relevant.

Tabitha Edwards-Walton is the mother of a special needs son. Maybe she has been blessed to look at life with a different perspective. Her poetry brings my eyes and my heart around to places I had not considered. When I do, I am taken in and shown life that opens me to more compassion and greater opportunities to widen my life experiences and learn something new.

Lee Baker is a songwriter, worship leader and musician. Lee’s inspiration for this collection was people that had an impact, places that have inspired, and things, actually concepts more than inanimate objects.