Price Check: Spiritual Decluttering
As of August 7, 2020, has the book Spiritual Decluttering by Bruce Epperly for just $8.40 in print.
As of August 7, 2020, has the book Spiritual Decluttering by Bruce Epperly for just $8.40 in print.
We have more great posts to look forward to this week: Today, Allan Bevere calls our attention to the role the interpreter plays in interpreting a text. Tuesday, Bob LaRochelle asks us to consider serious study of denominations different from our own in order to broaden our own perspective and appreciate the differences. Wednesday, Drew…
PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIAN ALERT: Rev. Steve Kindle, former editor of our Energion Discussion Network, begins a new ministry today (August 29, 2016). It’s called Pastor2Pew ( and is specifically designed to assist progressive pastors in sermon preparation. Steve is interviewing prominent progressive pastors and theologians on how they are preparing their sermons on upcoming lectionary texts….
Energion Publications has an ongoing partnership with the Academy of Parish Clergy in producing two book series, as well as a number of books by authors who are APC members. At the recent APC conference in Racine, Wisconsin we introduced the first book in a new APC series, Guides to Practical Ministry. It’s titled Overcoming…
Chris Surber, author of Rendering Unto Caesar, challenges Christians with his posts this week on the Energion Discussion Network to reexamine our political assumptions. Do we look more to worldly governments for solutions to our problems than to God? (Monday) When is political involvement appropriate and when is it counterproductive? (Tuesday) What robs Christians of…