Link: Dave Black on a Byzantine Reading
Dave Black gives more credit than many to the Byzantine text, but here he argues against a Byzantine reading. The reasoning is solid text-critical work!
Dave Black gives more credit than many to the Byzantine text, but here he argues against a Byzantine reading. The reasoning is solid text-critical work!
Energion Publications is pleased to announce the release of A Story of Jesus’ Life: Based on the Apocryphal Gospels. This book is neither a study of the various apocryphal gospels, nor is it a defence of or an attack on those gospels. Rather, it is an orderly story of what the life of Jesus would…
The new creation brought about by love, under whose control Christians live (2 Cor. 5:14), is not an amorphous conglomerate of passive robots who do God’s will en masse. The Christian life of the new creation is not the boring life of an idealized perfection on this earth. It is the exciting life of taking…
In our second Tuesday Night Hangout of the year, I’ll be talking with Thomas Hudgins about the text of the New Testament and with Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. about capitalism and Christianity. I’ll also give a coupon code in the video, and only in the video, for a 30% discount on their books from Energion. Google+…
November 30, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida New Book, Ephesians: A Participatory Study Guide by Dr. Robert D. Cornwall Energion Publications announces the January 3, 2011 release of a new book, Ephesians: A Participatory Study Guide. Following the outlines of the Participatory Study Method, Dr. Robert Cornwall presents a study guide to the book…
Energion Publications is pleased to announce new author Paul A. Himes with his exciting book Where is Your Allegiance? Lay persons in the church might be forgiven for imagining that the book of Revelation cannot be understood. There are many different interpretive schemes proposed, and hundreds of variations within those schemes. But the reader who…