Just Before New Year: Devotionals for Your 2024
All of the books listed below are on sale as office stock specials with discounts of 40-50%.
They Will Run and Not Grow Weary
The Power of Hope: Reading Scripture Through the Lens of Hope
They Will Run and Not Grow Weary
The Power of Hope: Reading Scripture Through the Lens of Hope
Monday night, September 22nd, author Tabitha Edwards-Walton, will be at The Drowsy Poet coffee cafe in Pensacola, FL to celebrate the release of her first book, Poetic Diversities. The excitement that this book has already generated can be easily seen in the cover art, which is edgy and unique. Tabitha’s material for her poetry comes…
The official release date for When the Casseroles Are Gone is not until April 10, 2023, but we are already setting up pre-orders to arrive by the 10th. We will be maintaining the $9.99 ($13.99 suggested retail) pre-order price until the tenth, so you still have a few days to order copies at that pre-order…
As a small business owner, I like to call attention to ways in which you can purchase Energion titles from independent retailers. There’s now a way that you can purchase ebooks while supporting independent stores as well. It’s called MyMustReads.com. You can go to that site for information. Independent bookstores can make ebooks available to…
Elgin Hushbeck has reviewed Rite of Passage for the Home and Church. Here’s a sample: Thus Brown argues for a revolutionary course of action, but one that should be music to every believer’s ears: That we treat our teenagers following the biblical pattern. Most of the book is aimed at defending this view and then…
Yes, we’ll get around to a Christmas sale shortly, but while many friends and colleagues are headed out to San Francisco for fun (and intellectual stimulus), we’re offering everybody some savings on books. In fact, 40%. Just enter SBL in the coupon code field on checkout. And yes, U. S. shipping is still free, and…