Just Before New Year: Devotionals for Your 2024
All of the books listed below are on sale as office stock specials with discounts of 40-50%.
They Will Run and Not Grow Weary
The Power of Hope: Reading Scripture Through the Lens of Hope
They Will Run and Not Grow Weary
The Power of Hope: Reading Scripture Through the Lens of Hope
I’m getting back to the Book of the Week plan, and this week’s book is When People Speak for God. Since I’m the author, I’m going to make a special offer. We’ll have this for direct sale for $15.00, which is $3.00 off the regular cover price, but I will also offer to autograph any…
From Not Ashamed of the Gospel: Confessions of a Liberal Charismatic by Henry Neufeld: The transformation that Jesus accomplished on the cross, symbolized by the transformation of the cross itself, is something that we all can grasp. Circumstances and our environment are not fixed things that we have to take as they are. They can…
People may be wondering why Energion has published, within three months, two Topical Line Drives about the Trinity. One of those (A Holy Mystery: Taking Apart the Trinity) I wrote. The other (The Triune Nature of God by Bob Cornwall) I edited. Preview Preview They are very different books, come from completely different places and…