Cancer: Doing Something in the Battle
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Cancer: Doing Something in the Battle

From the Publishers: There isn’t anyone reading this whose life has not been touched by the insideous, non-discriminating disease called cancer. Our own 12-year-old son fought rhabdomyosarcoma and died at age 17. Among the many emotions is a sense of helplessness to do something so that another family does not have to enter the war….

Interview Tonight with Dr. Herold Weiss
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Interview Tonight with Dr. Herold Weiss

Concerning Dr. Herold Weiss’s forthcoming book Meditations on the Letters of Paul Dr. Bruce Epperly writes: Dr. Weiss’s book truly captures the spirit of the Apostle Paul.  Paul comes alive in this text, which addresses the whole person and not just the intellect.  Dr. Weiss invites the reader to experience Paul’s vision and understand the…

Final Tuesday Night Hangout of the Year: A Process Christmas

Final Tuesday Night Hangout of the Year: A Process Christmas

On Tuesday Night I will be interviewing Dr. Bruce Epperly, author of Process Theology: Embracing Adventure with God and a number of other titles, both from Energion and from other publishers. The title of the show is “A Process Christmas.” If you wonder what that means, join us. If you wonder how that can be,…


Weekly Hangouts December 8, 15, 22

There will be no Google+ Hangout on Tuesday, December 1st. Tuesday, December 8, 2015 @ 7p.m. Central Time “What is Christmas?” Henry and Jody Neufeld and Jan Edmunds (copy reader at Energion Publications) will come together and discuss Christmas, its history and what it is and can be now. Bring your own questions and opinions and join the…

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From the Editor’s Desk: Hunger: Satisfying the Longing of your Soul

Do you ever think, “There must be more?” Even if your health is good, you may keep thinking it would be better if you just lost that 20 pounds. Even if you have a nice home, you really should replace the carpet. Even if you buy your children birthday presents, you would really like to…

Parent-Driven Discipleship Now Available for Kindle
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Parent-Driven Discipleship Now Available for Kindle

You can find it on In addition, last night Michael Kennedy was our guest on the Tuesday Night Energion Hangout. Energion owner Henry Neufeld talked with him about youth ministry in the church today and the life-style change he’s calling for in the way we raise our children spiritually. The video is embedded below.


Michael Kennedy Talks About His New Book

Parents, Grandparents, Interested-in-children people: If you haven’t taken 3 minutes to check out Dr. Michael Kennedy’s new book, Parent-Driven Discipleship, then take this link to his book page and let Dr. Kennedy tell you about it himself. You can hear the passion of a father and a pastor as he shares his heart about what we can all do…