Preserving Democracy Audio Book Now Available
Preserving Democracy is now available as an audio book, distributed by Content Reserve, and available through a number of retailers. Buy Preserving Democracy as an audio book from Borders Books.
Preserving Democracy is now available as an audio book, distributed by Content Reserve, and available through a number of retailers. Buy Preserving Democracy as an audio book from Borders Books.
This is from the release party. The first video is her introductory remarks and the reading. The second continues with some comments on serving God and find Him among “the least of these.”
Pastor Chris Clark has now reviewed Preserving Democracy. His conclusion: I like what Hushbeck has written. He has done his homework. He has worked systematically and arrived at solid conclusions. He “gets it.” Anyone reading Preserving Democracy will learn something new, and pick up a little inspiration in the process. Go read the whole review….
… by Arthur Sido.
… by Henry Neufeld on the World Prayr Blog.
Joel L. Watts has begun his review of Preserving Democracy, working through the introduction and chapters 1 & 2. Please join the discussion on his blog.
There are two new reviews of The Character of Our Discontent available: 1. Robert L. Sportsman, who blogs at Jonah Bible Study, reviews the book on, concluding: I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about biblical characters or who struggles to trust in God during circumstances of discontentment. 2. Ted Gossard…
One of the ministries we support here at Energion Publications is World Prayr. Yes, I spelled that last word correctly for the name of the organization. World Prayr is “an organization founded on the belief that the second greatest commandment Christ gave us was to “love your brother as yourself”, and thereby show we are…
I remember my faults this day! We sent this out to local media, but forgot to include it on our blog. June 15, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida Renee Crosby to Appear at Book Signing and Release Party Renee Crosby will be hosting a release party and book signing for her book Soup Kitchen…