Racism: Simple Things You Can Do in Your Church
This is a conversation between Energion authors Dr. Terrell Carter and Dr. Lonnie Davis Wesley, III.
This is a conversation between Energion authors Dr. Terrell Carter and Dr. Lonnie Davis Wesley, III.
“Is Reiki Healing Touch Demonic? Can Christians use reiki faithfully?” Bruce Epperly provides a response in the YouTube video shown below to a comment regarding an earlier video regarding his Energion title, The Energy of Love: Reiki and Christian Healing. Learn More
Starting Monday, March 22, 2021, we will be welcoming a series of posts by our authors and some of our friends regarding the law in scripture and in Christian thought. The first article in this discussion will be by Alden Thompson, author of Who’s Afraid of the Old Testament God? and Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest…
Energion author Allan R. Bevere interviews Scot McKnight on his new book, A Church Called Tov. Books by Scot McKnight in Our Retail Store A 20% discount is applied wherever possible. Some Books by Allan R. Bevere
The complexities of existence can best be illuminated imaginatively. Factual prose that appeals to logic does not reach the limits of the mind’s conceptual range. To communicate a sense of being secure in a confusing world so as to energize and guide the way one lives a language that appeals to the imagination is indispensable….
At 1 pm central time on August 29, 2020 on Facebook Live, Energion author Rev. Steve Kindle will interview Henry Neufeld, owner of Energion and author of the book God the Creator: Toward a More Robust Doctrine of Creation. This little book in our Topical Line Drives series was released with limited fanfare in June,…
Scot McKnight, a well-known New Testament scholar and author, writes about Christianity and its ties to politics. Here is a sample: The problem, for far too many, Left and Right, is Locke’s trap or statism. It is not speaking prophetically to claim the mantle of the prophet only when it is a Left-leaner criticizing the…
By Shauna Hyde, PhD In my years of ministry as pastor and counselor, I have worked with people who have been abused, victimized, and traumatized in unspeakable ways. It is heart-breaking and I often find it difficult to understand how one human being can justify treating another human being badly in order to meet their…
Here’s an interview with Kimberly Gordon, author of three Christian fiction titles from Energion Publications.
Energion Publications uses three words for our mission: Educate, Energize, and Empower. What do we mean by these words? Are they just buzzwords? When I wrote our current mission statement, my grammar checker informed me that I should reword the statement because it used too many buzzwords. These included the three keywords: Educate! Energize! Empower!…