Interview Tonight with Dr. Herold Weiss
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Interview Tonight with Dr. Herold Weiss

Concerning Dr. Herold Weiss’s forthcoming book Meditations on the Letters of Paul Dr. Bruce Epperly writes: Dr. Weiss’s book truly captures the spirit of the Apostle Paul.  Paul comes alive in this text, which addresses the whole person and not just the intellect.  Dr. Weiss invites the reader to experience Paul’s vision and understand the…

Universalism, Pluralism, Inclusivism, and Exclusivism

Universalism, Pluralism, Inclusivism, and Exclusivism

Our Tuesday night hangout tonight will feature a discussion between Dr. Bruce Epperly and Dr. Allan Bevere about the atonement. What is it that the atonement accomplished? What are we saved from and what is the result? Can everyone be saved? Will everyone be saved? Is Jesus the only path to salvation, and do you…

Hangout Tonight – Salvation: Who and How?

Following up on discussions on our Energion Discussion Network we will be discussing a number of issues and terms relating to salvation in Christian theology: universalism, pluralism, inclusivism, exclusivism, and others. Is your salvation related to your knowledge? Can those in other faiths be saved through their faith? Do you have to know you are…


Weekly Hangouts December 8, 15, 22

There will be no Google+ Hangout on Tuesday, December 1st. Tuesday, December 8, 2015 @ 7p.m. Central Time “What is Christmas?” Henry and Jody Neufeld and Jan Edmunds (copy reader at Energion Publications) will come together and discuss Christmas, its history and what it is and can be now. Bring your own questions and opinions and join the…