The New Creation
The new creation brought about by love, under whose control Christians live (2 Cor. 5:14), is not an amorphous conglomerate of passive robots who do God’s will en masse. The Christian life of the new creation is not the boring life of an idealized perfection on this earth. It is the exciting life of taking…

First Week in Advent – Day 6 – A Continuity of Hope
The authors are not interested in divine knowledge for its own sake. Rather, it is to aid the Colossians in their life together as the church. The gospel is credible only as it is demonstrated by individual saints and the church collectively in the good works that bear witness to God’s kingdom. Christian convictions must…

Tuesday Night Hangout – Who Was Paul?
Tonight we begin a series of hangouts on the apostle Paul. My guests will be Dr. Herold Weiss, author of Meditations on the Letters of Paul and Allan R. Bevere, author of Colossians & Philemon: A Participatory Study Guide (forthcoming within days). We start at 7:00 pm central time and will be discussing this for…

Interview Tonight with Dr. Herold Weiss
Concerning Dr. Herold Weiss’s forthcoming book Meditations on the Letters of Paul Dr. Bruce Epperly writes: Dr. Weiss’s book truly captures the spirit of the Apostle Paul. Paul comes alive in this text, which addresses the whole person and not just the intellect. Dr. Weiss invites the reader to experience Paul’s vision and understand the…