Chris Surber, author of Rendering Unto Caesar, challenges Christians with his posts this week on the Energion Discussion Network to reexamine our political assumptions. Do we look more to worldly governments for solutions to our problems than to God? (Monday) When is political involvement appropriate and when is it counterproductive? (Tuesday) What robs Christians of the peace of God? Hint: looking for help in the wrong place. (Wednesday) You can read these provocative posts at
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Release Status – Unfettered Spirit and Transforming Acts
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Henry Neufeld at SBL Southeastern Regional Conference in Atlanta, GA
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New Books are Here!
As a Christian and former hospice nurse, it was a day of personal pleasure to see these two books arrive at our office. The Caregiver’s Beatitudes is a wonderful testimony from Robert Martin and The Eucharist: Encounters with Jesus at the Table by Robert Cornwall is an excellent study on a sacrament which is at the core of our faith. …
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