Book of the Week Pricing Extended
. . . on Grief: Finding the Candle of Light. This will allow posting of the final two parts of the home video of Henry and Jody Neufeld discussing the book and grief in general.
. . . on Grief: Finding the Candle of Light. This will allow posting of the final two parts of the home video of Henry and Jody Neufeld discussing the book and grief in general.
Enter for an opportunity to win a signed copy of one of Kimberly Gordon’s books: Please Love Me, Allegheny Hideaway, or Prayer Trilogy! Deadline for your entry is midnight, June 11, 2013. You can enter this giveaway by: 1. Retweeting our tweet on Twitter (@energion). (Please do not just tweet this link.) 2. Commenting on our…
Tonight’s Google+ Hangout promises to be a veeeeeery interesting one! Dr. Allan R. Bevere, a United Methodist pastor and Professional Fellow in Theology at Ashland Theological Seminary in Akron, OH, and Dr. Alden Thompson, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Walla Walla University in College Place, WA, will come together to discuss “What About Violence in the…
… begins today and runs through January 25. No matter what our other disagreements, surely we can at least pray for unity in the body of Christ. In commemoration of this week, not only will we be praying here at Energion Publications, we will also offer some of our books that we think are particularly…
With a score of 108 out of 150, Lionel Woods.
From Not Ashamed of the Gospel: Confessions of a Liberal Charismatic by Henry Neufeld: The transformation that Jesus accomplished on the cross, symbolized by the transformation of the cross itself, is something that we all can grasp. Circumstances and our environment are not fixed things that we have to take as they are. They can…