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The Jesus Paradigm is now in stock at
The Jesus Paradigm is now in stock at
Energion Publications is excited to announce the upcoming release of two books in Spanish! Aprenda a Leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento. Finally an affordable Greek grammar book in Spanish for pastors, teachers, and anyone who desires to delve deeper into the New Testament! We thank Dr David Alan Black, professor of New Testament Greek at…
We offer book personalization year round, but we’re putting a special emphasis on this for Advent and Christmas because it offers a special opportunity for you to send a message both with a substantive gift—a book—and with a personal message included. You can use this option either for individual gifts or for a way to…
Energion author David Alan Black (The Jesus Paradigm, Why Four Gospels?, Christian Archy, Will You Join the Cause of Global Missions?) will be one of the speakers at the 8th Annual Marie-Joseph Lagrange Biblical Conference held at Institute of the Incarnate Word in Washington, D. C. Dr. Black will speak on the Pauline authorship of…
– Taken in total with permission from The Journal Era newspaper, Tim Pullano, Publisher, October 20, 2010, Berrien Springs, Michigan. Dr. Herold Weiss of Berrien Springs has published his fourth book, “Finding My Way in Christianity – Recollections of a Journey.” The csts $16.95 and is available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. “The book…
From Grief: Finding the Candle of Light, p. 2: Grief is a journey. While this is no surprise to anyone seeking answers by picking up this book, I pray that readers may discover what I am discovering: I go on because I have Hope in a tangible, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This book is…