The Jesus Paradigm In Stock at
The Jesus Paradigm is now in stock at
The Jesus Paradigm is now in stock at
We are pleased to announce the August 31, 2022 release of the book The Forgotten Third: Developing a Biblical Relationship with God the Holy Spirit by Dr. Larry Dixon. Dr. Dixon is the author of a previous Energion title, Unlike Jesus: Let’s Stop Unfriending the World. He has a humorous and gentle approach toward challenging…
The official release date for When the Casseroles Are Gone is not until April 10, 2023, but we are already setting up pre-orders to arrive by the 10th. We will be maintaining the $9.99 ($13.99 suggested retail) pre-order price until the tenth, so you still have a few days to order copies at that pre-order…
From Grief: Finding the Candle of Light, p. 2: Grief is a journey. While this is no surprise to anyone seeking answers by picking up this book, I pray that readers may discover what I am discovering: I go on because I have Hope in a tangible, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This book is…
… and he’s already thinking about a new essay: I’m currently writing an essay on missions and finances, particularly the issue of the funding of church planting. I’ve been scouring the Pauline epistles to see what the greatest church planter who ever lived had to say. (Thus far my essay is tentatively titled “The Thessalonian…
Energion Publications owner, Henry Neufeld, is in Racine, WI this week at the 2014 Academy of Parish Clergy Annual Conference. Several of Energion’s authors are members of this group, including the current president, Dr. David Moffett-Moore. Dr. Robert D. Cornwall, the editor of the APC newsletter, Sharing the Practice, is also the author of one…