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Bible Study Paths: May Issue
The May issue of Bible Study Paths is now available. Featured in this issue: Emily Capes, youth minister at First United Methodist Church in Pensacola discusses youth ministry. “ Honestly, what we as adults need to do is live out our faith alongside of the students’ lives. So many churches put the young people in…

Henry’s Christmas List #1
My first suggestion is a gift for the theologians on your Christmas list. It’s Herold Weiss’s book Meditations on According to John: Exercises in Biblical Theology. My key reason for putting this one on my list of Christmas suggestions is that it demonstrates the practice of biblical theology. There is sometimes a great gulf fixed…

Editor Jody Neufeld’s Current Bible Study
from Jody Neufeld’s blog: Jody Along the Path Just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other. – Proverbs 27:17 (CEV) Let us continue to hold firmly to the hope that we confess without wavering, for the one who made the promise is faithful. And let us continue to consider how to motivate…
Consider Christianity Week Events
This week is Consider Christianity Week! Conceived by Elgin Hushbeck, apologist and author (Evidence for the Bible, Christianity and Secularism, Preserving Democracy, What is Wrong with Social Justice?) it is the week prior to Palm Sunday when we rejoice in who and what we are as Christians. Join us every night, March 23 – 28, @ 7 pm CDT. Bring your…
La Historia de mi Vida – My Life Story by BeckLynn Black
La Historia de mi Vida, My Life Story, by BeckyLynn Black is now available in Spanish from Energion Publications. BeckyLynn’s story is a testimony, not to satisfy curiosity, but to present the divine call on the life of a woman who was not a celebrity, but just a child of God. La Historia de mi Vida is available now for pre-order,…
Bible Study Paths: May Issue
The May issue of Bible Study Paths is now available. Featured in this issue: Emily Capes, youth minister at First United Methodist Church in Pensacola discusses youth ministry. “ Honestly, what we as adults need to do is live out our faith alongside of the students’ lives. So many churches put the young people in…

Henry’s Christmas List #1
My first suggestion is a gift for the theologians on your Christmas list. It’s Herold Weiss’s book Meditations on According to John: Exercises in Biblical Theology. My key reason for putting this one on my list of Christmas suggestions is that it demonstrates the practice of biblical theology. There is sometimes a great gulf fixed…

Editor Jody Neufeld’s Current Bible Study
from Jody Neufeld’s blog: Jody Along the Path Just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other. – Proverbs 27:17 (CEV) Let us continue to hold firmly to the hope that we confess without wavering, for the one who made the promise is faithful. And let us continue to consider how to motivate…
Consider Christianity Week Events
This week is Consider Christianity Week! Conceived by Elgin Hushbeck, apologist and author (Evidence for the Bible, Christianity and Secularism, Preserving Democracy, What is Wrong with Social Justice?) it is the week prior to Palm Sunday when we rejoice in who and what we are as Christians. Join us every night, March 23 – 28, @ 7 pm CDT. Bring your…
La Historia de mi Vida – My Life Story by BeckLynn Black
La Historia de mi Vida, My Life Story, by BeckyLynn Black is now available in Spanish from Energion Publications. BeckyLynn’s story is a testimony, not to satisfy curiosity, but to present the divine call on the life of a woman who was not a celebrity, but just a child of God. La Historia de mi Vida is available now for pre-order,…
Bible Study Paths: May Issue
The May issue of Bible Study Paths is now available. Featured in this issue: Emily Capes, youth minister at First United Methodist Church in Pensacola discusses youth ministry. “ Honestly, what we as adults need to do is live out our faith alongside of the students’ lives. So many churches put the young people in…