Expanded Preserving Democracy Now on Kindle
The expanded Preserving Democracy is now available for the Amazon.com Kindle.
This new edition includes all material added to the expanded paperback edition, and is available for only $7.99.
The expanded Preserving Democracy is now available for the Amazon.com Kindle.
This new edition includes all material added to the expanded paperback edition, and is available for only $7.99.
Through an arrangement with the author we are able to offer autographed copies of Preserving Democracy to be shipped when the book is released on April 15, 2009. Note the following: Copies will be sent to the author for autograph on the release date No copies will be shipped before April 15, 2009 Please allow…
Recent Energion release The Character of Our Discontent by Dr. Allan R. Bevere is now available on the Kindle. This book “grew out of the author’s conviction that pastors do not preach enough about the Old Testament. The result is 19 chapters, each of which represents a sermon on an Old Testament character. These sermons…
In a recent gallup poll, 61% of respondents indicated that their income tax share was “fair.” Further, 46% thought their tax level was about right, while only 3% thought it was too high. The other 47% thought their taxes were too high. I’m led to wonder how one’s share can be “too high” or “too…
Energion author Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. has posted a review of The Jesus Paradigm, which is available both in text and on our Energion.com podcast. Elgin is the author of the recent Energion title Preserving Democracy as well as his previous Energion titles Evidence for the Bible and Christianity and Secularism and study guides for the…