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Both One World: The Lord’s Prayer from a Process Perspective and Process and Pastoral Care by Dr. Bruce Epperly are now available as ebooks, both on our Aer.io store, and for Kindle. They will be available elsewhere within the next few days. You can read more about these books and preview them by following the…
The book God's Desire for the Nations: The Missionary Theology of John Piper, will be on sale for $13.99 ($18.99 suggested retail) at Energion Direct until April 25, 2011. This coincides with publisher Henry Neufeld's notes on the release of this book, just published today on his Threads blog. We also remind bloggers that there…
First time author, Donna Marie Ennis, brings contemplation to the forefront of an active, strong prayer life in her book, The Ground of God: Contemplative Prayer for the Contemporary Spirit. How many of us struggle to pull down the frantic pace of our lives and bend our priorities from this world under the better priorities…
Co-branded Google Book Search is now available on almost all of our detail pages, with the exception of those that are not yet released, not yet in the Google Book Search system, or for which we do not have the rights. Look for the Google search box just below the author bio on each book…
Tonight’s Google+ Hangout promises to be a veeeeeery interesting one! Dr. Allan R. Bevere, a United Methodist pastor and Professional Fellow in Theology at Ashland Theological Seminary in Akron, OH, and Dr. Alden Thompson, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Walla Walla University in College Place, WA, will come together to discuss “What About Violence in the…
Summer must be a time for writers to take their needed time and put “pen to paper” or “fingers to keyboard” and finish that book which has been swirling through their minds. I say that because this is when we receive most of our manuscripts for our consideration to publish. Our 2018 Book Release Calendar…