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On Tuesday Night I will be interviewing Dr. Bruce Epperly, author of Process Theology: Embracing Adventure with God and a number of other titles, both from Energion and from other publishers. The title of the show is “A Process Christmas.” If you wonder what that means, join us. If you wonder how that can be,…
We hear the word “incarnational” quite a bit these days, and I think that’s a good thing. We need to center our lives, our activities, and our witness around that central doctrine of Christianity. I’m in the Ft. Worth area visiting my daughter, son-in-law, and three granddaughters. I’ve been reading the book of Hebrews today….
With the announcement of My Life Story by Becky Lynn Black we pass a milestone of sorts for a publisher. We have used two blocks of 100 ISBNs each (978-1-893729-NNN-X and 978-1-938434-NNN-X). Those unacquainted with publishing these days may wonder how, with about 100 books in the catalog, we’ve used 200 ISBNs. The answer is…
— Henry Neufeld I’m pretty sure I publish some books with unbiblical material in them. The hard question is which ones those are. Some people expect me to know because I read the Bible in Greek and Hebrew. Everyone who reads the Bible in Greek and Hebrew (with a little Aramaic thrown in) knows what…