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You can now follow Energion Publications via our page on LinkedIn.
There’s an outage on our Aer.io store. We don’t know how long this outage will be, but will be taking steps shortly to make sure books are available for direct purchase. All books are still available via various online retailers. To get current information on books, go to Energion Direct. Just be aware that the…
I have a hard enough time editing non-fiction, but here’s a good article on editing a novel. I get asked about the editing process frequently enough, especially by new or would-be authors. We don’t publish fiction yet, but that doesn’t keep people from cornering me and hoping I’ll share my ignorance in that area as…
Since this is a company web site, it should be fairly clear what free merchandise I give out. I offer both free review copies and books to be used as giveaways. Obviously, I do this for the resulting publicity, and in fact, the record shows that it works. My company’s guidelines for free review copies…
In our second Tuesday Night Hangout of the year, I’ll be talking with Thomas Hudgins about the text of the New Testament and with Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. about capitalism and Christianity. I’ll also give a coupon code in the video, and only in the video, for a 30% discount on their books from Energion. Google+…
We’re doing an office move. Our physical address will remain the same. We’re just changing buildings on the same property. But there will be some disruption of internet and so forth as things are disconnected and connected again. This will all take place over the next four or five days. We expect to have e-mail…
There’s an outage on our Aer.io store. We don’t know how long this outage will be, but will be taking steps shortly to make sure books are available for direct purchase. All books are still available via various online retailers. To get current information on books, go to Energion Direct. Just be aware that the…
I have a hard enough time editing non-fiction, but here’s a good article on editing a novel. I get asked about the editing process frequently enough, especially by new or would-be authors. We don’t publish fiction yet, but that doesn’t keep people from cornering me and hoping I’ll share my ignorance in that area as…
Since this is a company web site, it should be fairly clear what free merchandise I give out. I offer both free review copies and books to be used as giveaways. Obviously, I do this for the resulting publicity, and in fact, the record shows that it works. My company’s guidelines for free review copies…
In our second Tuesday Night Hangout of the year, I’ll be talking with Thomas Hudgins about the text of the New Testament and with Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. about capitalism and Christianity. I’ll also give a coupon code in the video, and only in the video, for a 30% discount on their books from Energion. Google+…
We’re doing an office move. Our physical address will remain the same. We’re just changing buildings on the same property. But there will be some disruption of internet and so forth as things are disconnected and connected again. This will all take place over the next four or five days. We expect to have e-mail…
There’s an outage on our Aer.io store. We don’t know how long this outage will be, but will be taking steps shortly to make sure books are available for direct purchase. All books are still available via various online retailers. To get current information on books, go to Energion Direct. Just be aware that the…