Cover: Will You Join the Cause of Global Missions
Here’s the front cover for the forthcoming book by David Alan Black, Will You Join the Cause of Global Missions?
This book is now available for pre-order, and with the pre-order coupon code PRE3, you can get 20% off at Energion Direct.
This is the sort of book that congregations and individuals will want to buy in quantity to give out. It’s already aggressively priced at $4.99, but with quantity discounting, you can get a much better price, as little as $3.24 if you order 50. But the PRE3 pricing is in addition to that discount, you could get your copies for just over 2.59 each or $129.60 for 50, a savings of $32.40. As always your shipping in the United States is free. (See the Energion Direct catalog page for a full chart of quantity discounts.)
And we’re offering similar savings on all pre-order books for the first six months of 2012, so watch for the coupon codes here, or shop at Energion Direct.
For a partial list of pre-order and forthcoming* books, see our Forthcoming book list. The list is not yet complete, but we are working hard to give you a complete list of books that will be released during 2012.
*We list books as forthcoming when the contract is signed with the author. We list them as pre-order when we can be confident of the release date, generally two weeks to two months prior to the release.