Hurricane Matthew and Energion Publications

Well, sort of. I should have posted this much earlier. We have gotten many e-mails asking how we’re doing, and offering prayers and support. We appreciate each one. We always appreciate prayers! But we are living in Florida (non-liquid) sunshine with light breezes and beautiful fall weather. That’s because we’re about as far west as you can get and still be in Florida.
There are, however, many people who are suffering during this hurricane, and I put Haiti first on that list. Energion author Chris Surber is currently there with a team on a mission that was planned before the storm but was converted into a relief mission as the time approached. While remembering Haiti, which is ill-equipped to deal with such a powerful storm, we should not forget Jamaica, Cuba, the Bahamas, eastern Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina and anyone else in the way of this storm.
I’m a firm believer in prayer, but I believe most strongly in prayer that changes the one who offers it. In this case, I hope the prayers of many result in action. Give, work, encourage—whatever God lays on your heart.
For those interested in Chris’s mission, his ministry is Supply and Multiply.