
I don’t like to join the chorus of businesses letting you know what they’re doing about COVID-19, because it seems there are many more important things for everyone to be concerned about. But I have gotten a few questions.

Energion Publications is a virtual company, so social distancing for work was not a problem. Everyone works from home in any case. We will each be watching our meetings and contacts appropriately, which means that these will occur online.

Our eBooks can still be delivered, and the electronic format is a great way to get books quickly at this time. Energion’s eBooks are available at almost all of the electronic retailers and in almost all countries.

We use Lightning Source as our printer, and a combination of their print-on-demand services, including direct shipping to our customers, allows us to continue to deliver print books efficiently. Their international network of printers allows books to be printed and delivered in many countries easily and efficiently.

A country or region’s status can impact this, so those ordering books should realize that books can be delayed. If an area is locked down and only allowing essential services, I doubt they would want workers to go to a printing plant, and I would agree fully with that decision. I get regular notices from them, and will notify customers if their book is impacted either by known shipping issues or by temporary plant closures.

Please make health and safety your priority. We will, and we believe all our suppliers will as well. As long as it can be done with reasonable safety, however, we will continue to have books printed and shipped.

Note that, depending on conditions, we may have your book printed and shipped rather than shipping from our stock here. That’s always true, but will be more common. That allows me to avoid shipping books here, repackaging them, and shipping them off to you. Everything is done at once.

Thank you for your support. Be safe, and keep your spirits up!

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