Problems in Your Prayer Life?
Take a look at the suggestions in this post from Energion president, Henry Neufeld.
THE POWER OF PRAYER – LECTIONARY REFLECTION FOR PENTECOST 18B (JAMES 5) A sample: James writes that the prayer of faith will save the sick. That word “save” could have a double meaning here. It could refer to the restoration of a relationship to God and healing of the body. This is where the question…
I notice that people have begun receiving their copies of The Jesus Paradigm by Dr. Davd Alan Black. I will be providing links to the various reviews as they appear. Hopefully this will facilitate discussion. I’ll backtrack any further posts I make to this one in order to make it easier to find discussions. I’ll…
First time author, Donna Marie Ennis, brings contemplation to the forefront of an active, strong prayer life in her book, The Ground of God: Contemplative Prayer for the Contemporary Spirit. How many of us struggle to pull down the frantic pace of our lives and bend our priorities from this world under the better priorities…