New Release: Holiness of Heart and Life

Energion Publications is pleased to announce the release of the latest volume in the Topical Line Drives series, Holiness of Heart and Life by Dr. Allan R. Bevere.
Dr. Bevere has recently retired after a lifetime of service as a pastor in the United Methodist Church. This topic has been very important to him. Here are a couple of “money quotes” from the book.
It is difficult to read the Bible without seeing that holiness is a major theme in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament, the word “holiness” (Hebrew; qādȏš) is found 431 times. In the New Testament, the word (Greek; hagios) is used 200 times. Without even looking at the specific contexts of these two terms, it is clear that holiness is a concern of the biblical writers. Indeed, I suggest that holiness is not only important for Christians; it is required. The journey of following Jesus is impossible without the pursuit of holiness.
p. 1
Holiness is not only important for Christians; it is required.
The more holy a person is, the closer she is to God, and therefore the less holy she feels in the divine presence.
True holiness engenders in us the opposite of self-righteousness. Holiness forms in individuals an attitude of humility. Indeed, the universal testimony of those persons we call saints is that the closer they get to God, the more holy they become, the more intense is the reality of their sin. The great irony of holiness is the more holy a person is, the closer she is to God, and therefore the less holy she feels in the divine presence. True holiness leads to humility, not a feeling of superiority over others. It is holy humility that increases the grace offered to others. Contempt for others is not a hallmark of holiness.
p. 13
A preview is available now on the catalog page at Energion Direct.