Geoffrey Lentz Named a Rising Star in Pensacola 2011

Energion author Geoffrey Lentz (Luke: A Participatory Study Guide and Learning and Living Scripture) has been named a 2011 rising star by Independent News in Pensacola, FL. Regarding the rising stars, the paper says: Hope for change, high expectations and the desire to make this community a better place for themselves, their families and future…


What Manuscripts Are We Looking for at Energion?

There are two keys to getting published: Write. I could easily produce a complete post on just this. While there are things you can learn about writing in classes or while discussing with your local writing group, nothing replaces getting your backside on a chair in front of your computer and writing. Yes, you will…

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Weiss recalls his “journey of faith” as a Christian

– Taken in total with permission from The Journal Era newspaper, Tim Pullano, Publisher, October 20, 2010, Berrien Springs, Michigan. Dr. Herold Weiss of Berrien Springs has published his fourth book, “Finding My Way in Christianity – Recollections of a Journey.” The csts $16.95 and is available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. “The book…