
Forthcoming Book: Finding My Way in Christianity

February 18, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida Energion Publications to Publish Finding My Way in Christianity By Dr. Herold Weiss Energion Publications is pleased to announce the forthcoming book Finding My Way in Christianity: Recollections of a Journey, a story of dealing with the differences within the Christian community that is both personal and…


The Character of Our Discontent Publication Scheduled

February 24, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida The Character of Our Discontent Publication Scheduled Energion Publications is pleased to announce release plans for the book The Character of Our Discontent: Old Testament Portraits for Contemporary Times by Dr. Allan R. Bevere, a collection of sermons drawn from the stories of Old Testament characters. This…

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Announcing the Release of Learning and Living Scripture

February 9, 2010 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida Energion Publications Announces the Release of Learning and Living Scripture Energion Publications is pleased to announce the impending release of the book Learning and Living Scripture: a Guide to the Participatory Study Method, co-authored by Rev. Geoffrey Lentz and Henry Neufeld. The official release will be March…

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For Australian Buyers – Recent Books via Booktopia

Books available through Booktopia.com.au: The Jesus Paradigm (AU$24.50) Christian Archy (AU$13.50) Megabelt (AU$18.40) The Messiah and His Kingdom to Come: A Biblical Road Map [B&W] (AU$26.95) and Color (AU$66.80) – an EnerPower Press title Note that these links are provided for information and are not affiliate links.  Prices were read from the web site on…