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Energion Publications uses three words for our mission: Educate, Energize, and Empower. What do we mean by these words? Are they just buzzwords? When I wrote our current mission statement, my grammar checker informed me that I should reword the statement because it used too many buzzwords. These included the three keywords: Educate! Energize! Empower!…

Creation in Contemporary Experience

Link: Why Christians Should Be Involved in Creation Care

The link: Why Christians Should Be Involved in Creation Care Why link to a post on another publisher’s blog? Primarily because, as a small publisher, we realize there are many good books out there, and I would suggest the subject of this post is one of them. But secondarily, because other publishers will offer books…

The Politics of Witness
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From Our Books: Why the Church Can’t Speak Truth to Power

From The Politics of Witness by Allan R. Bevere (@arbevere): All of this means that the church in the modern West is unable to effectively speak truth to power (to turn a phrase popular with some today). The reason is that since Christians have embraced the power politics of the nation state and have chosen…

Kimberly Gordon: Author and Realtor

Kimberly Gordon: Author and Realtor

Kimberly Gordon has authored three novels for Energion Publications, Prayer Trilogy, Allegheny Hideway, and Please Love Me and a Bible study guide, It’s in the Bag, for teens and adult women. She wrote the novels about characters who find their strength in faith and in the friends and community who live and grow around them….

New Author! New Book! Linda Estes’ “Good Morning, LORD!”

New Author! New Book! Linda Estes’ “Good Morning, LORD!”

Energion Publications welcomes new author, Linda Estes, to the EP family, with her new book, Good Morning, Lord! One Minute Devotionals to Start Your Day in God’s Light. We know we need to spend time with our Lord every day but the tasks and distractions are many! We know that God can help us through the day and Linda…

Christmas Gift for Yourself!
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Christmas Gift for Yourself!

As the shopping for gifts concludes and you wander the stores in dazed fatigue, consider a lasting pick-me-up! Go to and take ten minutes to peruse the eight books we have Featured. You will find eight Featured books, including two of our succinct Topical Line Drives books (only 44 pages!) priced at only $5.99, Dr. Alden…

Book Released: The Ground of God: Contemplative Prayer for the Contemporary Spirit
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Book Released: The Ground of God: Contemplative Prayer for the Contemporary Spirit

First time author, Donna Marie Ennis, brings contemplation to the forefront of an active, strong prayer life in her book, The Ground of God: Contemplative Prayer for the Contemporary Spirit. How many of us struggle to pull down the frantic pace of our lives and bend our priorities from this world under the better priorities…