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Allan Bevere Reviews Faith in the Public Square

Allan Bevere has posted a review of Bob Cornwall’s book Faith in the Public Square. While he has a number of disagreements, he concludes: And so, while I have my disagreements, I would encourage readers to engage this book. It is thoughtful and thought-provoking. I may not be able to stand with him on all things,…


Book Review: Will You Join the Cause of Global Missions

Thomas Hudgins provides a thorough review of Dave Black’s new  book. He says, “Coming from someone who has bought a lot of books over the years, I’m always appreciative when I can find one that costs very little but challenges my heart greatly.” I would add that the quantity discounts are very good. Check them…


Ultimate Allegiance – Engaging in the Missions of God

Lee Harmon has a brief review of Bob Cornwall‘s book Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer. He concludes: If we choose to participate in God’s reign, we’re committing ourselves to do God’s will on earth as in heaven, and therefore engaging in the mission of God. Read his entire review. We would…