Bruce Epperly Introduces Angels, Mysteries, and Miracles
For more information, see this book’s catalog page on Energion Direct. It is currently on pre-order sale for $6.99 through August 16, 2017.
For more information, see this book’s catalog page on Energion Direct. It is currently on pre-order sale for $6.99 through August 16, 2017.
In our second Tuesday Night Hangout of the year, I’ll be talking with Thomas Hudgins about the text of the New Testament and with Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. about capitalism and Christianity. I’ll also give a coupon code in the video, and only in the video, for a 30% discount on their books from Energion. Google+…
Finding God in Suffering: A Journey with Job, by Dr. Bruce Epperly, is in the final stage of processing before it goes to the printer. That means there is probably about a week left of pre-order pricing, just $6.99 or 30% off the $9.99 cover price. Extracting portions of endorsements for the back cover is…
This year (2012) we released 20 books under our main Energion Publications imprint and three additional books under our EnerPower Press imprint. That puts us at more that 70 books in our current catalog. We intentionally publish books written from a wide range of viewpoints and for audiences ranging from pastors and scholars to students…
Allan Bevere has posted a review of Bob Cornwall’s book Faith in the Public Square. While he has a number of disagreements, he concludes: And so, while I have my disagreements, I would encourage readers to engage this book. It is thoughtful and thought-provoking. I may not be able to stand with him on all things,…
Thomas Hudgins provides a thorough review of Dave Black’s new book. He says, “Coming from someone who has bought a lot of books over the years, I’m always appreciative when I can find one that costs very little but challenges my heart greatly.” I would add that the quantity discounts are very good. Check them…
Office and review copies of The Church Under the Cross (William Powell Tuck) and Will You Join the Cause of Global Missions? (David Alan Black) are arriving today. Bloggers, request your review copies. These books are already in stock at (Church, Missions), B&N (Church, Missions), and Energion Direct (Church, Missions).
Lee Harmon has a brief review of Bob Cornwall‘s book Ultimate Allegiance: The Subversive Nature of the Lord’s Prayer. He concludes: If we choose to participate in God’s reign, we’re committing ourselves to do God’s will on earth as in heaven, and therefore engaging in the mission of God. Read his entire review. We would…
For the Advent season, Edward W. H. Vick, author of the newly released book From Inspiration to Understanding: Reading the Bible Seriously and Faithfully, presents The Nature of Hope. Here’s a taste: Yahweh was not the God of the past only. He could stride across the length of the future leaving newly fulfilled promises and…