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If you’re interested in eschatology, this book by Herold Weiss is an excellent one to read, along with Dr. Edward Vick’s Eschatology: A Participatory Study Guide.
If you’re interested in eschatology, this book by Herold Weiss is an excellent one to read, along with Dr. Edward Vick’s Eschatology: A Participatory Study Guide.
The Association of Adventist Forums will sponsor a zoom discussion of apocalyptic on Friday, December 10, at 10 am Pacific time including Energion author Herold Weiss, author of the book The End of the Scroll: Biblical Apocalyptic Trajectories, which is priced normally at $24.99, but is currently on sale at Energion Direct at $19.99. You…
The complexities of existence can best be illuminated imaginatively. Factual prose that appeals to logic does not reach the limits of the mind’s conceptual range. To communicate a sense of being secure in a confusing world so as to energize and guide the way one lives a language that appeals to the imagination is indispensable….
Energion author Herold Weiss, whose new book The End of the Scroll: Biblical Apocalyptic Trajectories is due out the end of this month, has an article on death from an eschatological perspective in Spectrum Magazine this month. It is also available on their web site. While we frequently read eschatological literature in order to know…
Concerning Dr. Herold Weiss’s forthcoming book Meditations on the Letters of Paul Dr. Bruce Epperly writes: Dr. Weiss’s book truly captures the spirit of the Apostle Paul. Paul comes alive in this text, which addresses the whole person and not just the intellect. Dr. Weiss invites the reader to experience Paul’s vision and understand the…
I have made two pages available in the Resources section of the Energion Discussion Network. These are pages, not regular posts in the discussion on EDN. They are: 1844 -1: Between the Disappointments by Edward W. H. Vick Dr. Vick discusses what happened between the spring of 1844, sometimes referenced as the lesser disappointment, and…
Most of you are probably not acquainted with this date, but those, like me, who grew up in one of the various Adventist groups that grew out of the Millerite movement (1830s and 1840s) remember it well. William Miller, and various other interpreters in that movement determined that Jesus would return in glory on October…
In honor of the Lectionary passages for this week (Haggai 2:1-9, Psalm 145, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17, Luke 20:27-38 Proper 27C / Ordinary 32C / Pentecost +25; as usual I make free to not leave out portions of the passages), we’re offering a 40% off sale on two books, Eschatology: A Participatory Study Guide by Edward…
Eschatology: A Participatory Study Guide is now available for Kindle. It will be available soon for Nook, and also via the iBookstore. This study guide is an in depth look at Christian eschatology, including theology, terminology, and key issues. It is not an outline of end-times events. Rather, it provides the background needed to understand…