New Release: Messy Incarnation

New Release: Messy Incarnation

We are pleased to announce the September 7, 2022 release of Messy Incarnation: Meditations on Christ in Process by Dr. Bruce Epperly. Dr. Epperly is a prolific, challenging, and very readable author who is known for writing clear, readable books on complex topics. Messy Incarnation takes the doctrine of the incarnation from theology into action…

David Alan Black and Markan Priority Based on Grammatical Errors in Mark.

David Alan Black and Markan Priority Based on Grammatical Errors in Mark.

Dave Black has posted a link to an article he wrote for the journal Filología Neotestamentaria regarding grammar and supposed indications of Markan Priority, published in May of 1988. I point out the date to underline the way in which careful argument from linguistic data can survive the test of time. Dave points out a…

Allan Bevere: Can a Scientist Pray?
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Allan Bevere: Can a Scientist Pray?

Energion author Allan R. Bevere discusses this question on his blog today. This is a question that troubles many people. Comments are welcome! Allan is the author of The Character of Our Discontent, The Politics of Witness, Colossians & Philemon: A Participatory Study Guide, and Who Is Jesus?. His Topical Line Drives volume on holiness…