Wisdom & Authors

It could be argued that wisdom is in short supply in those who are speaking into microphones these days. In the Bible, we find James making this statement: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1:5 NIV)…


A violent person entices their neighbor and leads them down a path that is not good. Whoever winks with their eye is plotting perversity; whoever purses their lips is bent on evil. Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness. Better a patient person than a warrior, one…

New Release: Reprint Edition of The Byzantine Text-Type & New Testament Textual Criticism

New Release: Reprint Edition of The Byzantine Text-Type & New Testament Textual Criticism

Energion Publications announces the planned March 11, 2022 release of a reprint edition of The Byzantine Text-Type & New Testament Textual Criticism by Dr. Harry Sturz. The book will be released in a replica edition with an added introduction by Dr. David Alan Black. Watch here for more news on the release of this title….

New PDF for Prayer Scriptures for Prayer Warriors Pamphlet

New PDF for Prayer Scriptures for Prayer Warriors Pamphlet

While the old PDF is still available, and can be used to print on legal size paper, the new file provides 1/8″ bleed all around and allows printing and trimming to produce a better final pamphlet. Remember that as will all FastTracts, you are free to copy these and print as many as you want….

Changes Coming at Energion

Changes Coming at Energion

… and some that are already here. These changes fall under the headings of structural changes and adjustments to our overall mission as a company. Don’t worry! There is no subtraction going on here. None of the current Energion projects are going to go away. This is a process of addition and growth. Structural Changes…

Hope Encourages Agency

Hope Encourages Agency

The Coming One, Mary’s child, may not resolve all our problems, but God’s coming is an image of hope that may empower us to action. Hope encourages agency, not passivity. It opens the future, not determined, but influenced by what we do today. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/livingaholyadventure/2021/12/the-adventurous-lectionary-fourth-sunday-of-advent-december-19-2021/ Read the whole post at Bruce Epperly’s The Adventurous Lectionary. The…

Spectrum Magazine Zoom Discussion on Apocalyptic
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Spectrum Magazine Zoom Discussion on Apocalyptic

The Association of Adventist Forums will sponsor a zoom discussion of apocalyptic on Friday, December 10, at 10 am Pacific time including Energion author Herold Weiss, author of the book The End of the Scroll: Biblical Apocalyptic Trajectories, which is priced normally at $24.99, but is currently on sale at Energion Direct at $19.99. You…