10 Things
To be precise, 10 Things that Drive Me Crazy about Working for a Church. Since all our authors either work for churches or have done so, I thought this would be of great interest!
To be precise, 10 Things that Drive Me Crazy about Working for a Church. Since all our authors either work for churches or have done so, I thought this would be of great interest!
I notice that people have begun receiving their copies of The Jesus Paradigm by Dr. Davd Alan Black. I will be providing links to the various reviews as they appear. Hopefully this will facilitate discussion. I’ll backtrack any further posts I make to this one in order to make it easier to find discussions. I’ll…
Pastor Bob LaRochelle, author of Part-Time Pastor, Full-Time Church (Pilgrim Press, Cleveland, 2010) and of the forthcoming book Crossing the Street (Energion Publications, May 2012), was interviewed yesterday on WSDK 1550 radio. You can listen to the complete interview via this link. The first half is about his current book, which will be of special…
On Tuesday Night I will be interviewing Dr. Bruce Epperly, author of Process Theology: Embracing Adventure with God and a number of other titles, both from Energion and from other publishers. The title of the show is “A Process Christmas.” If you wonder what that means, join us. If you wonder how that can be,…
Energion author David Alan Black‘s revised book Paul: Apostle of Weakness will be released soon by Wipf and Stock. This book was originally published in 1984 and Dave has put considerable work on the revision. We celebrate with him on this milestone. (Note to Energion authors: If you have a book published by another house,…