Review of “In the Original Text It Says”
Jacob Cerone provides a thorough summary and review.
Jacob Cerone provides a thorough summary and review.
We are continuing our June celebration of our fiction and poetry books. Enter for an opportunity to win a copy of Megabelt by Nick May or noise flash by Lee Baker or The Traveler’s Advance by Heath Taws! Deadline for your entry is midnight, June 20, 2013. You can enter this giveaway by: 1. Retweeting…
We’ve created a new web site to support the second edition of Why Four Gospels?. The site is We’ll include announcements about the book, notes selected from Dave’s blog, and links to reviews and other discussion. Feel free to use the comments on that site to discuss the issues raised in this book.
The following review is copied from an entry on my Threads from Henry’s Web blog. I think it is important and this book remains relevant. ***** In several recent posts, especially dealing with issues of harsh passages in Hebrew scriptures (or the Old Testament), I have referred to a book, Who’s Afraid of the Old…
‘Tis God who gives the skill, But not without [human] hands: [God] could not make Antonio Stradivari’s violins Without Antonio. -George Eliot (woman poet/writer) It is the strange paradox that our work is something we do; yet it is only a manifestation of God’s work in us, expressed in the Latin koan: orare est laborare…