Review and Sale: From Inspiration to Understanding
Joel Watts has reviewed Edward Vick’s book From Inspiration to Understanding: Reading the Bible Seriously and Faithfully at Unsettled Christianity. Amongst other things he says:
Vick is, in my opinion, one of the most profitable minds for our current era in the Western Church. He is restoring faith in the Vick is, in my opinion, one of the most profitable minds for our current era in the Western Church. He is restoring faith in the workings of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This book is not just recommended to you, dear readers, but I would demand that you get a copy. Read it. Make it dog-eared. Read it that first year so thoroughly that you must get another copy the second year. But, read it.workings of Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. This book is not just recommended to you, dear readers, but I would demand that you get a copy. Read it. Make it dog-eared. Read it that first year so thoroughly that you must get another copy the second year. But, read it.
Yes, publishers do like to hear things like that about their authors!
Now I know there are many barriers to buying and reading a book. Time is always a problem for me, and Vick’s book is no quick read. It will take time. I can’t do anything about that.
But another barrier is price, in this case $24.99. The good news is that shipping is free via Energion Direct (within the United States). But that’s still a substantial amount of money.
So I’m going to put it on sale just through Monday noon for 40% off. That’s just $14.99, and that will still include free shipping (within the United States). There will be no quantity discounts on this book during the sale, because that’s lower than our best quantity discount. So if you want to use this for a class or stock up, this is the time to order.
— Henry Neufeld, Energion Publications owner/editor