Report from Reimagine: Century, FL, September 13, 2014
It was a hot and sunny day here on the Gulf Coast. Energion Publications has been proud to join Reimagine Worldwide in another event to help a neighborhood in a definitive, practical way. This September event occurred in the community of Century, just north of Pensacola, FL.
15,000 pounds of food was distributed. Health screenings, job opportunities, lunch, and face painting and horseback riding for the children. Musical and dance entertainment by local Christian groups kept the atmosphere light and the smiles plentiful.
Energion’s owner, Henry Neufeld, was there to giveaway books and connect with pastors of small churches to ascertain if Energion could assist in providing books for ongoing Bible studies. Henry gave away approximately 100 books, including 16 copies of The Gospel According to Saint Luke: A Participatory Study Guide to a small church and a devotional package of four books to a lucky winner of a free drawing. New Testaments, some of our Topical Lines Drive, Areopagus and Participatory Study series books as well as devotionals were given to eager hands.
The next Reimagine event will be Reimagine Brownsville held on Saturday, October 25, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Oakcrest Elementary School, Pensacola, FL. If you or your fellowship would like to become involved, please call Linda (850-454-5280) for further information.