Another Book on Kindle!
Surviving A Son’s Suicide by Ronald Higdon is now available on Kindle for only $4.99.
June 13, 2011 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Gonzalez, Florida New Book: Victim No More! by Shauna Hyde. Energion Publications announces the release of a new book, Victim No More!. This is the first book for Rev. Hyde, who has already traveled extensively with her Victim No More! message, speaking at rehab centers, counseling centers, women’s…
Help us avoid a cover that looks like this: Surely a worthwhile cause! The poll is located at the top of the right sidebar. Vote now! I’ve reserved a couple of free copies (when they’re printed) to be sent to those who contributed all or part of the winning title, insofar as I can determine…
This is the first of what we plan to be weekly news roundups. Today, Energion This Week is co-hosted by Li’l Mo, the Energion Spokescat. Books Referenced in the Video that Are Currently Available More Information on Bruce Epperly More Information on Ronald Higdon More Information on Terrell Carter
Dr. Thomas W. Hudgins is Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Capital Seminary and Graduate School in Washington, D.C. He is the author of Luke 6:40 and the Theme of Likeness Education in the New Testament and translator of Aprenda a leer el Griego del Nuevo Testamento and The Hidden Life of Jesus. Have…
This has been a wonderful, exciting year at Energion Publications! The diversity of authors and books has carried us to a new level of observation as Jesus’ modern day disciples explored God’s Word and shared it to “teach, rebuke, correct and train” (2 Timothy 3:16). And here are the “final four” in 2014: Finding God…