At the Printer: The Seven

Energion Publications’ new release, The Seven: Taking a Closer Look at What It Means To Be a Deacon, is now at the printer. We expect to have copies here in the Pensacola area toward the end of next week. If you pre-ordered an autographed copy, you will be receiving an email from us updating you on the status. If you did not do so yet, you still have until Saturday, November 7, to order one. After that, the autograph form will be removed from the book’s catalog page.

The book now features a foreword from Pastor Fred Luter, pastor of Franklin Avenue Baptist Church in New Orleans, and former president of the Southern Baptist Convention. We thank Pastor Luter for providing kind and challenging words as a foreword for this book.
On reflection, we also changed the title. You may have seen the announcements with the original title as The Magnificent Seven. Both to avoid duplicating the title of another, unrelated work, and also to place to focus of the word “magnificent” on God’s magnificent plan and not on magnificent people, we changed that to simply The Seven. God’s magnificent plan for empowering God’s church for service involved the appointment first of seven men to serve. The ministry has grown from there!
We at Energion Publications are pleased to release this book. We pray that it will help God’s people grow in greater service to God’s people everywhere.
Educational Use
This book is designed for use in conjunction with a church program to educate, empower, and energize deacons in the ministry God has called them to. If you are considering this book for use in your church’s educational programs, please check the aggressive quantity discounts we offer through Energion Direct.