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Tuesday, August 25th Weekly Google + Hangout

Divorce, Remarriage and Christians will be the topic of this week’s Google+ Hangout with author, H. Van Dyke Parunak and moderator, Henry Neufeld, starting at 7p.m. Central Time. Dr. Parunak is the author of Except for Fornication: The Teaching of the Lord Jesus on Divorce and Mariage and currently is the Vice President for Technology Innovation…

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From the Editor’s Desk, August 20, 2015:

This week, Energion Publications is releasing Parent-Driven Discipleship by Michael Kennedy. Dr. Kennedy is a father of two children and a pastor. He wrote this book from a heart that is concerned and passionate about the young adults, youth & children of this world. He believes it is the parents who are the frontline teachers….

Our New Educational Publicity Groove
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Our New Educational Publicity Groove

— Henry Neufeld, owner of Energion Publications Things are changing rapidly here at Energion Publications and one of the key areas combines education with publicizing books. There are a number of ways you can get involved and benefit from these new programs. If you’re an author or editor, you will very shortly (as in minutes…

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From Jody’s Editor Desk at Energion

A Home United: Strategies for Couples with Different Beliefs by Dr. Robert R. LaRochelle [Retail price $9.99] How many people reading this post are part of a marriage in which you were raised (and may still be in) a different faith community than your spouse? My parents were (Catholic and Lutheran). My brother was (Catholic…


Preaching from the Old Testament? Who? Where? — Why???

Tonight’s Weekly Google+ Hangout 7pm Central Time: Henry Neufeld will be asking Dr Bob Cornwall these questions and more. At his home church, Pastor Cornwall is preaching from 1 & 2 Samuel. When was the last time you hear a sermon from the Old Testament, much less a series which implies more than two weeks? The Old Testament…


Renee Crosby, Author and Aspire Award Finalist

Energion Publications’ author, Renee Crosby (second from the right) was honored as a finalist at Denver’s Aspire Award Banquet for Women of Distinction in Colorado. Finalists were selected based on their qualities of and the exhibition of ambition, perseverance, humility, and influence. Renee’s recent book, The Fringe: A Secret Society, is a novel based on her work with…