Mission Statement Video
Here is Henry Neufeld, founder and owner of Energion Publications, talking about the mission and the audience for Energion Publications:
Dave and Becky Black have been very open about their journey with cancer. Yesterday on his blog Dave said: I know I’ve said this already, but we seem to have turned the corner. We’ve rounded third base and are headed home. It’s such a strange thing, knowing that this day would come but wanting so…
We’re focusing on discussion this year, and there are lots of opportunities for you to get involved each week. Energion Discussion Network Since Saturday and Sunday are our slow days on the discussion network, let me start with those posts: Negative Experiences Can Produce Positive Results (Iris Subel Davis) and Jesus Offers Freedom from a…
— Henry Neufeld (Energion Publications Owner/Editor) I’m fairly certain that publicly owned companies would get less questions about the relationship between the company’s beliefs (if any) and what is published. But since I’m noted as the owner of Energion Publications, I am occasionally asked whether I will publish certain things that disagree with me, or whether…
Energion author Joel Watts, a United Methodist, called our attention to relief efforts by UMCOR. Here’s the UMCOR Facebook post: There are a number of agencies involved in relief. We at Energion Publications encourage you to contribute through the agency of your choice, but please make sure that it is a reputable and…
As we have done for previous disasters, we present links to the disaster relief organizations of the denominations and independent churches where we have authors as members. Christian Reformed Congregational (NACCC) Disciples of Christ Love Come Rescue (Northstar Church, Panama City, FL) Seventh-day Adventist Southern Baptist United Methodist Please give as the Lord leads to…