“Conversations With My Grandchildren About God, Religion, and Life” – William Powell Tuck to the Next Generations

Grandparent, aunt or uncle, great-grandparent or caring friend. Are there children in your life with whom you have the opportunity to share the wisdom and encouragement of your faith in Jesus Christ?

Grandchild: How can we really know God?

Granddaddy: We do not have absolute certainty in our religious faith. The Christian faith is essentially trust. Trust is our complete reliance on God and the commitment of our self fully to God’s guardianship. If a young person has heard the divine claim from God, then he or she must respond by obedience to that claim upon one’s life. In responding to Philip’s request to show him the Father, Jesus said: “He that has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). We have received enough illumination about God through Jesus Christ to know what we have to do in life. If one yields his or her life in trust to the light revealed through Christ, although he or she may now “see through a mirror dimly,” he or she has the clearest and most adequate image of the nature of God which one is able to grasp.

In his new book, Conversations with my Grandchildren About God, Religion and Life, Dr. Bill Tuck shares Q & A sessions with older and younger grandchildren that can be helpful when sharing your faith with children whether they are your grandchildren or children in your church. Jesus told us to “Go and tell.” This book can help us do that with children in our care.

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