Why Four Gospels at Amazon.com
It is showing in stock now.
It is showing in stock now.
– Taken in total with permission from The Journal Era newspaper, Tim Pullano, Publisher, October 20, 2010, Berrien Springs, Michigan. Dr. Herold Weiss of Berrien Springs has published his fourth book, “Finding My Way in Christianity – Recollections of a Journey.” The csts $16.95 and is available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. “The book…
Since I talked about how the release is done and mentioned that we would be shipping books today, let me provide photographic evidence, seen at the left. We got our first order of books for our “office stock” and they almost all went immediately back in the mail headed out to reviewers and folks who…
A couple of people have asked me about the way we do releases at Energion Publications. The public image of a book release has the publisher getting in a stock of the books, shipping them out to various bookstores, and then, on the date selected, allowing these bookstores to make the books available. In that…
The second edition of Dr. David Alan Black’s book Why Four Gospels? has been released. We expect to ship all pre-ordered copies by the end of the day tomorrow, and we’re waiting for Amazon.com to show “In Stock.” (Note: If you see the 1 to 2 months note there, be assured that the books are…
From on the pain and grief of divorce from author Jody Neufeld.
We’d like to direct you to a competitor’s web site (if it’s proper to call a company [Zondervan Academic] so much larger than we are merely a “competitor”) because they have an excellent question for discussion. They ask: “Is it ever appropriate to ban books from our children?” For the background of the question, please…
Due to several factors, Why Four Gospels? will not be available for purchase online today. We have updated our various outlets to reflect release October 20, 2010. We expect to begin making some shipments Monday, October 18, but it will probably not be until Wednesday, October 20, that the book becomes available for shipment from…
We’ve created a new web site to support the second edition of Why Four Gospels?. The site is whyfourgospels.com. We’ll include announcements about the book, notes selected from Dave’s blog, and links to reviews and other discussion. Feel free to use the comments on that site to discuss the issues raised in this book.
We have a number of new books coming up in October and November. Links to retailers are provided on each book’s catalog page. Here’s a summary: Why Four Gospels? (Second Edition) will be released October 15, 2010. It is already available for pre-order from Energion Direct, Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble. You’ll find the links…