Rev. John H. Weston: New Author Shares His Study of the Holy Spirit
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Rev. John H. Weston: New Author Shares His Study of the Holy Spirit

To some the Holy Spirit is dead and should receive little attention. To others He is a list of spectacular powers by which we can validate our life in ministry. John Weston introduces the Holy Spirit to us as Teacher, Guide, Comforter, and Advocate in his new book, Life in the Spirit, which will be…

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Tuesday, August 25th Weekly Google + Hangout

Divorce, Remarriage and Christians will be the topic of this week’s Google+ Hangout with author, H. Van Dyke Parunak and moderator, Henry Neufeld, starting at 7p.m. Central Time. Dr. Parunak is the author of Except for Fornication: The Teaching of the Lord Jesus on Divorce and Mariage and currently is the Vice President for Technology Innovation…

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From the Editor’s Desk: Curriculum Should be Exciting!

Back to school time brings a lot of emotions. Tears as moms and dads send their new kindergartener off to a full day of school for the first time. Kids excited to sling their new backpack over the shoulder covered by a new shirt. And the never-told Happy Dance by parents who may even take…

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Epperly and LaRochelle: New Books On Pre-Order!

It is a busy summer here at Energion Publications! Drs. Bruce Epperly and Robert LaRochelle have new books now on pre-order. Both books are interesting for small group studies as well as personal study. Galatians: A Participatory Study Guide is the second study guide for Energion Publications by Dr. Bruce Epperly. A study on Philippians…

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Google+ Hangout Tonight AND A Sale!

Tonight’s Google+ Hangout promises to be a veeeeeery interesting one! Dr. Allan R. Bevere, a United Methodist pastor and Professional Fellow in Theology at Ashland Theological Seminary  in Akron, OH, and Dr. Alden Thompson, Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at Walla Walla University in College Place, WA, will come together to discuss “What About Violence in the…

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TWO New Books to the Printer Today!

Did you hear that? It is the sound of our door here at Energion Publications closing as two new books leave for the printer today! Both books were written by seasoned EP authors. Nancy Petrey has had an exciting last seven days as today’s book, Why Christians Should Care About their Jewish Roots, is her second to leave for the…

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Consider Christianity Week Events

This week is Consider Christianity Week! Conceived by Elgin Hushbeck, apologist and author (Evidence for the Bible, Christianity and Secularism, Preserving Democracy, What is Wrong with Social Justice?)  it is the week prior to Palm Sunday when we rejoice in who and what we are as Christians. Join us every night, March 23 – 28, @ 7 pm CDT. Bring your…

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Tuesday Night Hangout: Biblical Essentials

Tonight at 7:00 pm central / 8:00 pm eastern time, we will again host an Energion Hangout using Google Hangouts on Air. The participants will discuss what are the essentials of the Christian faith. Energion owner Henry Neufeld will moderate and will be joined by Dr. Alden Thompson, author of Who’s Afraid of the Old…